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SMALL: Castelvecchio Calvisio

Prior to the trip you should choose 6 teams of 3 people each* and plan your missions. Your collective objective is to identify the unique aspects of the town, capturing this information in such a way as to communicate it graphically to outsiders and townspeople alike. Some possible research tactics might include: photographic documentation, geographic mapping, GIS, statistics, interviews (video, audio, text), hand-drawings, collage, narrative, or ideally a combination of some of the above. In order to help ensure that various aspects of the town are addressed but not replicated I am going to suggest 6 areas of focus, in no particular order. Each team should choose one by emailing me no later than Thursday night (with team members and theme):

  1. city form
  2. economy past present future
  3. connections to land and beyond
  4. construction and craft
  5. building typology
  6. public space

requirements: 1-4 landscape images of 1280*800 pixels. These will be posted to the website
by 24 September and will be presented orally on 4 October during Design studio.