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What makes a good architectural translation?

A good translation is one that barrows from the past, the existing, the already known, to create something new, something different, something other, while still holding a relationship to that before it.  The original value is never lost or forgotten, but  instead added to in order to create a new meaning.

Twice a year the Piazza del Campo transforms into something new, something different, and something other.  Twice a year, the Campo that is typically alive with restaurants, locals, and tourists, takes on a new life for one day that is beaming with excitement, anticipation, and competition.  The natural stage that the Campo creates is translated into a new context.  This event is known as the Palio.

During the Palio a new meaning is brought to the Campo.  A new performance is at play on the stage, and thousands of people gather to watch the one act show.   The Campo was not intended to hold a horse race, but the Sienese  have successfully done so for centuries.   The act of taking from the existing context and finding new meaning in a common space is what makes the translation of the Piazza del Campo successful.

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