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Images by Eric Fischer. Geotagger’s World Atlas.

What does “this” map tell you about Rome?

Of course this is no ordinary map.  The wild composition made up of seemingly chaotic lines is hard to read.  Streets are not labeled, and buildings are not shown, but the webbing of connections start to become clear when looked at closely, and the varying density of the webbed circulation tell me something.  What it is exactly, I am not sure.  There is a visual hierarchy.  Perhaps those paths are the paths most traveled.

Three main routes run southeast from a dark cluster in the north.  They travel a fair distance into the city.  One stopping shy of the center.  Smaller connections are made from those paths, tying together all areas of the city.  Though, this map does not tell me what these areas are, it does show me how they are related.  I would not recommend this map to a lost traveler.

Of course this is no ordinary map.  It is in fact not even a map of Rome, but a map of photographs of Rome, which by consequence of popularity begin to define the attractions of Rome.  So, what does this map tell you?

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