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A wall to watch the day pass/A dome to watch the heaven's move.

How have the past fifteen weeks changed my outlook on architecture?

Architecture is not a backdrop, but rather Architecture is the stage. The sets are constantly changing; some are taken down, while others are kept up. The cast changes with each passing generation; the actors come and go, each finding their role within the massive production of life. The richest architectural moments are those that fit into the context of everyday life, instead of being inserted into the fabric of past performances. These last fifteen weeks have reinforced my belief that an architectural project should not be viewed as an isolated entity, but as an interactive stage that can be experienced in relation to its context.  My time in Rome has been a memorable experience, filled with daily interactions with architectural details of all sizes and types. Regardless of scale, the most intriguing architectural works can frame and be framed by others. Rome, with all of its dynamic interactions; spanning across time, “styles,” and senses is what has made my time in here a “hinge”-as Marc has best defined it-in my outlook on architecture.

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