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question 06: tell me this, map of Rome

It’s funny how things change when you learn something new.  How your perception of a place shifts to something other when you learn about the place you’re in.  How history can constantly affect the present.  When you find out, for instance, that the private Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, which you curiously poke your head in whenever possible at an attempt to understand what is happening behind that grand wall, was actually built on the ruins of the Baths of Constantine.  A structure inhabiting more than a city block.  A meeting point for citizens of the largest city in the world.  And suddenly, you walk a little slower, with bit more timidity, with a bit more awe at what once stood… and your imagination runs wild.  You begin to understand what may have happened here, what importance this hilltop may have had; and despite it’s consistency of importance, how even that has changed depending on time.  And with all this information, this knowledge, you leave it at your feet.  You don’t live in it, but instead live from it.  Use it as a jumping point, a runway for your mind and imagination to fly.

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