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question 02: ground meet building, it’s a pleasure

The question of one thing meeting another often involves more than the original two.  It responds by forming something other.  As a building meets the ground, there is often a direct explanation of the phenomenon.  There could be a subtle incline requiring a half step, perhaps two or three may even be required.  There could be a sense of grandeur, demanding a multitude of steps, or even something meant to be hidden forcing a curious progression downwards.  All of these relate to a functional relationship of building to ground, however, as said above, there is often an involvement of something other when two things meet.  The relationship a building has with the ground responds to the situation in which it is set, in this case to the city’s milieu.  And visa versa, the milieu of the city alters the relationship the ground has with a building.  There is constantly changing and altering dance being performed between the marriage of the city to the building.  One gives life to the other and the other to it; as a building meets the ground it breathes and we breathe with it.

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”  -Winston Churchill

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