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Nolli in Translation

Project Description can be read here.

A Scene from the Future
a Ripa Production
Written by: Tam Tran

Prosecutor: Tam Tran
Reporter 1: David Lierly
Reporter 2: Karla Victa
Reporter 3: Katie Lomax
Reporter 4: Joel Piazza
Reporter 5: Ramon Sanchez


Here a turn of events involving the political parties of Italy
In section 12 of Rome, outside, on the steps of the courthouse
The Prosecutor walks out to a crowd of reporters.
And here is where our scene takes place.


[Prosecutor walks out of the courthouse]

Prosecutor – I will now take questions, and note I cannot disclose much information concerning the case today.

[All reporters raise their hand, Prosecutor calls out the reporter that is to speak]

Reporter 1 – Is this case similar to the Berlusconi case decades ago?

Prosecutor – Yes, corruption in our country has not come to a complete halt and I suspect it to be very similar to the Berlusconi case. Next question

[All reporters raise their hand, Prosecutor calls out the reporter that is to speak]

Reporter 2 – Where will the Defendant be held?

Prosecutor – The old Ministry of Internal Affairs headquarters across the street is now a fully functional correctional facility. Most of the political leaders that were found guilty since the Berlusconi case are currently held there. Next?

[All reporters raise their hand, Prosecutor calls out the reporter that is to speak]

Reporter 3 – What will happen if the Defendant is found guilty?

Prosecutor – As similar to the others, if the defendant is found guilty, he is to join the rest of the other prisoners and work the fields in the facility behind all of you. Next question please?

[All reporters raise their hand, Prosecutor calls out the reporter that is to speak]

Reporter 4 – When was this type of punishment instated?

Prosecutor – It was recently instated since the budget of keeping these prisoners in this facility went up, any produce grown in the prison will be sold back to the public, the funds will help maintain the facilities.

Reporter 4 – [quickly interjects after the answer] And one more question! Where will the produce be sold?

Prosecutor – All produce will be sold in the new markets being built one block down this street, Via Nazionale. The park being put in place will divide this courthouse and the correctional facility, giving the public space to use. It is up to the city council how they want to design the park. As of I know, I believe the green space in front of this court house will be used as a park. The space next to it that was recently cleared will be used for recreational activities and mainly for the market. Next question.

[All reporters raise their hand, Prosecutor calls out the reporter that is to speak]

Reporter 5 – Do you think the having criminals next this propose park be safe?

Prosecutor – Remember the facility use to be a high security facility for our internal investigations. It will be perfectly safe. We have a carabineri headquarters next to the courthouse and behind the propose markets.

[Prosecutor breaks the forth wall]

Prosecutor – Does anyone else have any other questions?

[Proceeds to answer and any further questions asked by the audience]

(A few questions that came up after breaking the fourth wall)

Audience member – What happen to the church?

Prosecutor – When the first couple of political leaders that were tried, the abandoned church was converted into a temporary courthouse. The church, a holy place to not only love but revere our God because of the judgement we all must face, continued to become a place of judgement.

Prosecutor – After more and more findings that could bring more political leaders to justice, the city took over the old Palazzo Delle Esposizion, (next to the church) and made it the official Courthouse and annexed the fire station to house its needs. This building block became a Judicial block.

Audience member – What does the text mean?

Prosecutor – The text over the courthouse translate to “The impunity of Berlusconi is disgrace to the country”. The text over the prison is Berlusconi’s political posters while he was the Prime Minister of Italy. I’ll leave the interpretation to you.

Audience member – Are these posters on the walls currently?

Prosecutor – Yes, these posters polluted the walls of what was once the Ministry of Internal Affairs Headquarters.