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The Piazza del Popolo is in northern Rome and was once the grand entrance.  However the performance of the piazza gave me an immense welcome and a matter as to which via to take.  As I observed the milieu of the Popolo I was constantly looking at the three vias all aligning to the obelisk.  Which via to take, is one more important than the other, do they split the city into three, do they it organize the city?  Until, I noticed a white building on the far end of the via.  So I look once more and I noticed the main gate aligns to the obelisk.  This then splits the two churches and focuses me to Via del Corso.  Once you’re past the obelisk you notice the converging Corso, to the white building as if it is the opposite end of Rome.  This profound alignment makes me think if other vias will have this climactic beginning and end.  I gather this sense of, I must go down this via, as the view gives an aura of beginning and end.  The walk becomes more a loom, to a reward at the end, almost as a child skipping to the sound of an ice cream truck on the other end of the park.  The Piazza del Popolo has given me a different perception to a long walk.  My walk turned to a story, with a capturing opening and a long conclusion that provides a crescendo.