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Blog 4 Whats the difference between a large building and a small city?

The more I think about this question, the harder it is to really find a true difference in both.  Architecturally, one is completely different from the other; however that alone does not define each other.   All the small components that make up “something” differentiate it from others, yet at the end they are very similar.  It’s all the components from a large building and small city that define them.  So when you analyze them at the minute detail, there generally isn’t much of a difference.  Small city has houses, streets, people, communities, public spaces.  A large building may not have houses, but it has rooms, the streets are the hallways and stairs, the people are the users, communities could be the different floors of the building.  The public spaces are the lobbies or court yards.  So are they different yes, but they are brother and sister with love and hate relationship.

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