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question four

What is the difference between a small city and a large building?

There is a very large difference between these two, and by large I mean scale.  In plan it can be hard to determine the difference between a city map and the floor plan of a building.  Together they look as one, but the differences can be found in the context of their surroundings.  A building is confined to what it holds within its walls, while a city stretches out through its streets branching out like roots of a tree, ever growing with time.   Instead of streets a building has halls, and instead of corridors a small city has avenues.  Instead of rooms a small city has parcels. Instead of piazzas a large building has court yards.  They are both public spaces in their own regard.  Their reflective characteristics do not differ in function but in scale.  When looked at in context the differences are clear.

question three

What did one wall say to another wall?

A:  I am tired of looking like this! When will it be my turn? I am getting impatient.  I am missing pieces of my facade here! Does no one care?

Hey! Don’t step on those.

B:  Boy stop your complaining.  You don’t know how lucky you are.  All you did was lose a few pieces.  When I was your age, I could with stand the earth moving like that.  In fact I thought it was fun, but  look at me now!  These old stones are not what they use to be.  It is a good thing I had you next to me, or I could have been in pieces like poor old Marble over there.

I sure hope these humans know what they are doing.  They have me all tied up in these braces.               I can’t see a thing.  And, I don’t trust their new methods.  I heard them talking about some new material. steel…have you heard of steel?  I don’t know what that is, but I have made it this far without it.  Why do I need it now? They should just let me fall.

A:  Now, now Concerto. Don’t talk like that.  The humans know what they are doing, and you are right.  I am sorry.  I should not complain.  You should know that we would all miss you if you fell, so please hold on a little longer.  It will soon be easier.   Say, have you had a good look at that new lady going up across the street?  They sure don’t make them as curvy as they use to.  All the new ones are square now.  It must be the new style.

B:  Boy, didn’t  I just tell you I couldn’t see?

question two

This earth is  a welcoming place.  It embraces all that dare to meet it and most all that dare to build upon it, but how does one choose to meet the ground?  The truth is there are many ways.  The success lies in the creativity and the method of touch.

The most beautiful buildings are those that chose to respect the earth from which they were built upon.  A building must not deny what it rests upon, but instead  it must  acknowledge the preexisting conditions of the land.  The wall shown above demonstrates this well.  It has taken the remnants of past construction to create a new.  Materials made from this earth are worked up to create a vertical plane, not unlike those that lie horizontally along the ground.  It does not hide what it is made from, but instead embraces its qualities.   It does not level the earth to fit its needs, but instead it runs with the contours. Vegetation has grown along the wall, strengthening the bond between the earth and building and welcoming its presence. When the ground is met with respect a welcoming invitation is given to the wall.

question one
How do you know when you are in Rome?

The layers of history surrounding us help define one’s placement in this world.

It is the uneven cobblestone beneath my feet.  The surprises I find around every corner, new and old.  The day I turned to find myself confronted with the Colosseum.  A landmark known to all.  It is the reuse of ancient grounds, to accommodated the necessities of today, whether it be a place to dwell or compete.  It is the smell of fresh pastries in the morning, and the ability to get a cafe anytime of day.  It is the murmur of many unknown languages surrounding me, and the sound of an unfamiliar siren.  The busy traffic, and humming vespas.   The narrow streets with colorful facades which are tied loosely together with lines of clothing moving with the wind.  It is the way streets come alive at night, and never seem to fade.

It is the unbelievable feeling that overwhelms me when I try to imagine the life that created this place so long ago.  It is the feeling of eternal life that exists here.