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question twelve

Image taken from Google.

What works behind the scenes to make a city perform as such?

Behind the curtain of the dark early morning there is a performance that occurs.  Few witness it first had, but all see the effects weather they realize it or not.

In the early morning, behind the scenes, the streets of Rome are wept clean.  A fresh start is given to each new day. The bottles and cigarettes consumed the night before are taken away never to be seen again.    One would never know that such a task was performed unless one was awake, but we have all come to find that Italy is not awake at such hours.

It is strange to me how much this service is taken for granted.  The garbage cans that are provided do not matter.  Every night, popular Piazze are polluted with broken beer bottles, cups, cigarettes, and wrappers.   People leave their trash wherever, because they know that sometime during the night, before they wake up for the next day, it will be gone.

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