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Inverted Vedute

Anamorphic Image

Walking the streets of Rome, with the cobblestone under your feet is the most familiar thing in your ordinary day. But today is a little different. As you slowly walk up the steps into St. Ignazio church, and enter the building, the calm quiet within soothes you and your mind begins to calm. You slowly walk down the aisle, but stop when you realize that the ceiling you were admiring suddenly takes on a whole new appearance.

When a reflective cone is positioned correctly, the anamorphic image comes into focus.

All of a sudden the ceiling of the church seems to extend into the heavens and links you directly with the world above. Your daily routine is entirely forgotten as you marvel at your newfound closeness with the all-powerful god. You stand there in marvel, as you look into the heavens completely unaware of the fact that what you see is just an illusion, a trick unraveled by an artistic mind and perfected over time.

Image reflected by the cone.

Once you come to terms with this new connection with the heavens you begin to walk further down the aisle of the church. But slowly you feel that the strong connection you just had begins to fade as the reality of the illusion becomes clear. You stop, slowly turn around and return to that single point where you felt such a strong spiritual connection. Although there is nothing telling you where to stop, your mind decides for you and once again you are sucked into a different world where the everyday is lost for another moment.