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Blog Question 08

Architectural translations can come in many different forms, but in my opinion a true architectural translation should, above all else, translate the meaning of a work and impose that meaning within its own time and context. While many architectural translations, especially in growing cities, occur as a new work, most translations within the city of Rome occur as reworkings of an existent building or space.

Piazza Navona is a classic example of a good architectural translation in this sense. The piazza was built in the year 85 as the Stadium of Domitian and was used for competition by athletes during the time. It was originally conceptualized as a stage with the purpose of drawing people into the space and focusing on them as the event. The current day translation of this space continues to fulfill this meaning although in different ways that fit the current day situations of the town. Musicians, artists and various amounts of people inhabit the piazza throughout the day and become the focus of the space. Restaurants along the edges focus their attention towards the activity within and the space comes alive with various performers.

Time does not stand still and cultures will always change. Piazza Navona originated with a very specific purpose and this particular meaning has been able to adjust over the centuries, continuing to meet the needs and the context of the continually changing present day.


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