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Blog 11 – the tail of a detail

Pisssst… Pissst… Hey you.  Yea, you.  The one racing through these halls and rooms looking at the antiquity and art, mimicking the way others experience it.  Listen, I’m aware of the size of this place and all the history it holds.  I realize to understand each piece or each square inch of painting would take an eternity, but please pause for a moment.  As you try and find your way through the elaborate spaces, attempting to absorb a memory and story from the decor on each of the walls and ceilings, ask yourself what it’s worth.  You may have strong intentions in the beginning of your journey, but I promise at some point you will express your fatigue.

What I hope is you discover something interesting, something that makes you think differently than the way all the other visitors are.  Please don’t let the tour guides and the famous artist’s names hinder your curiosity, because if you do, I can assure you will miss a detail you would have enjoyed.

museum fatigue vs museum details

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