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Blog XI

Tell the Tail of a Detail….

The builder was mad with rage. He tried to erase the thought from his mind but could not. He boiled with anger every time the thought crept back into his head. Tools were thrown across the studio, and pieces of marble were shattered against the wall.

“Him! Of all people, why him?!” The master shouted towards his unfinished work. He continued, “Of all people, why should his work, so unworthy, and ripe with brutal geometries, be located so close to my masterpiece?!”

“Francesco Borromini does not operate in the same realm as I do, yet the Pope still grants him commissions!” The anger would not subside. Then a thought crept into Bernini’s mind, “I will build against what others cannot see, so that all ages may gaze upon my beautiful fountain, and see his church as I do, a heavy beast of erratic form!”  Bernini set upon one of the figures, representing one of the four main rivers known at the time, that would be situated around the Fontani dei Quattro Fiumi, working the form into a position that would directly respond to the façade of St. Agnese in Agony when completed….

“His work will collapse within a decade…” he reassured himself as he feverishly chiseled,  “…the horror it will surely be!”

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