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Blog VII

How is history made active?

The E.U.R. is a very different part of Rome. This planned city, built during the Fascist era, was an attempt to display the greatness of Italian culture to the rest of the world through an international exposition.

Rather than draw from existing historical monuments, or religious sites Mussolini tried to impose a new language of Italian architectural identity into history both visually and contextually. Buildings found throughout the area mimic the scale, form and materials of ancient historical buildings found throughout Rome, such as the Pantheon, Coliseum, and the obelisks. A relief mounted at the entry of the Palazzo degli Uffizi literally places Mussolini at the end of a timeline of well-known people, buildings and events celebrated in Roman history.

For many reasons the E.U.R. proposal failed to capture identity of the Italian people. However, this historically significant area has grown to actively demonstrate what the Italian Identity has in some ways become. Events never intended in the original plan have since taken place in the area. The multi-lane boulevards filled multitudes of cars, numerous McDonalds, and large homes of the city now represent the fast-paced, glitzy lifestyle of the U.S., while other areas are home to a variety of asian immigrants. “Gay-pride” and “OctobEUR fest” festivals take place in an area few tourists rarely see. Although the E.U.R. was an attempt by a political body to legitimize its identity through its country’s strong architectural tradition, the E.U.R. project like Fascism itself, fell short of its intended goals.

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