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Politics in Rome change dramatically after 2060 when the corruption of its political system has forced them out of the EU. But all is not lost! A radical
change in how people view and interact with politics, creates a new world where politicians become stars, and legislative assemblies the main
In this new Roman world, politicians use theater to persuade people to vote for them. They are the main actors, and instead of writing proposals
for changes in legislation, they act them out. Their counterparts also perform theatrical representations of why people should not vote for that
particular party. In this system, citizens become more engaged in the political activity of the city, and become more trusting of the polititians who
represent them.
The buildings in front of the Piazza dei Diputati now form the new Faculty or Art-Politics. The piazzas the buildings surround become the center
stage when students perform and take exams as part of their preparation. Performances, as do the classes, vary amongst dramatic theater, musicals,
satires, improvisations, and others.
Politicians now have center stage in the news and in the cinema. They become the rich and the famous, and admired by the public.