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XII – What works behind the scenes to make a city perform as such?

Cities must remain somewhat clean to maintain happiness within the people who inhabit them and this takes work. This work depends upon the effort and upkeep of everyday citizens who use the streets, public spaces and buildings that form a city. When a city resident cares about the well being of there environment it makes a noticeable difference in the amount of work required by the government to keep the streets free of debris. Today I witnessed a young lady pick up someone elses trash to add it to the dumpster. Our apartment sorts our garbage before orderly putting it out on the street to contribute to a solution for waste management. These steps make a difference and they are often times done behind the scenes. In Madrid I caught a glimpse of more behind the scenes action that help keep a city tidy. A street sweeper stands frozen in time waiting for the theater lights of the city to die down so he can perform his duty. He waits for a coin or two to fill his can an possibly make his time worth his while.

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