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Question 13

How have the past fifteen weeks changed your outlook on architecture?

In Rome, buildings have a unique relationship with the site they sit upon.  I have overheard walls speak to each other.  I discovered how difficult it is to find the differences between big buildings and small cities.  I have ventured to the mountains and the sea and the part in-between.  I have tried to decipher way too many maps.  I’ve seen history activated.  I am still trying to figure out what makes a good architectural translation.  I learned that every detail has its own story to tell.  In fifteen weeks I have done a lot.  I have also eaten a lot of gelato.  And in that time, I have learned a lot about architecture and myself.  This time in Rome has opened up my senses.  I now take in the sounds, smells and sights around me.  I must, not only to remember, but also to learn.  I must, to keep an open mind and realize the possibilities.  Architecture is so much more than curtain walls and green roofs.  It is too easy to get stuck in what everyone else is telling you to do.  Architecture is constantly changing, and must adapt accordingly.  In 150 words, I find myself stumbling over the right things to say.  How much this experience has meant, and how much I have learned.  Before, I didn’t realize architecture could have such a power over you, I didn’t realize the feelings that can be evoked.  Now, I want more.  I want to create places/spaces/buildings so that others can experience these same kinds of emotions and happiness.

So, thank you, Rome.

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