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Question 12

What works behind the scenes to make a city perform as such?

The stage is set, the lights are dim, and the cast is in their places.  The audience is ready for a show.  But what they see, the front side of the performance, is only a small part of what is really going on.

London is a bustling city, huge and full of life.  There is much that goes into keeping the parks so green and the streets and transportation systems so clean.  Yet, the visitors and inhabitants rarely realize the work it takes to maintain this city’s beauty and character.  There are people who must hang the Christmas lights and decorations down all the streets, there are people who must clean the glass skyscrapers in The City.  There are the many youth hostels and hotels, filled on weekend with tourists that must be up kept and constantly cleaned.  There are many Christmas markets and fairs all of which must be assembled and reassembled every year.  This city is impeccable, however, without the hardworking people that dwell and work in it, the audience wouldn’t keep coming back for more.

It’s all fun and games from the outside.  But, what few realize, is how smelly the inside of the phone booths really are.

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